Streamlining Your BankruptcyStreamlining Your Bankruptcy

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Streamlining Your Bankruptcy

I knew that I had hit rock bottom financially when I started making credit card payments with other credit cards. Before I knew it, collectors were contacting me almost hourly, and it started to get really frustrating. I knew that I had to turn things around, which is why I decided to meet with a bankruptcy attorney. My lawyer took the time to listen to my troubles and walk me through the bankruptcy process. He made everything seem much more manageable, which really helped me out. This blog is here to educate other people about how much the right bankruptcy lawyer can help.

Is It Time For You To Consider Filing For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

If you have seen advertisements for bankruptcy attorneys, you might have found yourself wondering if filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy is something that you should consider doing. With the chapter 7 bankruptcy law, the majority, if not all, of your debts will be cleared. Some of the debts not included in this would be taxes owed to the government and things such as child support payments. To help you decide if you should contact an attorney to file chapter 7 on the rest of your debts, you will want to review the following information. Read More 

How To Avoid A Bankruptcy 2004 Procedure

Most bankruptcy filers have not heard of the 2004 procedure, and that is a good thing. To know about it probably means that you have messed your bankruptcy case up pretty badly. To help prevent you from ever finding out about this issue in person, read on to learn more about what prompts the 2004 Exam and how you can easily avoid it. Don't Break the Rules Just like in any other legal proceeding, there are rules. Read More 

Deeper In Debt? How To Tell When It’s Time To File For Bankruptcy

There may be nothing worse than being so far in debt that you can't get out from under it. Being in debt can affect all aspects of your professional and personal life. If you can't gain control of your finances, and debt collectors are banging at your door, you need to talk to an attorney about bankruptcy. Take a look at the list below. If any of the information applies to you, bankruptcy may be your best option right now. Read More 

The Role Of The Bankruptcy Trustee In Your Chapter 7 Case

Shortly after you file all the documents for your Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, the bankruptcy court will notify you about an upcoming meeting you will have. This meeting is called a 341 meeting with creditors, and it is a meeting where you will meet the bankruptcy trustee who is responsible for your case. At this point, you probably do not know what a trustee is, so here are several things you should understand about the role the trustee plays in your case. Read More