Streamlining Your BankruptcyStreamlining Your Bankruptcy

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Streamlining Your Bankruptcy

I knew that I had hit rock bottom financially when I started making credit card payments with other credit cards. Before I knew it, collectors were contacting me almost hourly, and it started to get really frustrating. I knew that I had to turn things around, which is why I decided to meet with a bankruptcy attorney. My lawyer took the time to listen to my troubles and walk me through the bankruptcy process. He made everything seem much more manageable, which really helped me out. This blog is here to educate other people about how much the right bankruptcy lawyer can help.

Common Insurance Traps To Avoid After A Car Accident

After a car accident takes place, the insurance companies of the drivers involved will be notified and will start preparing to settle the case. It is not uncommon for the at-fault driver's insurance company to contact the other driver within just a day or two of the accident happening. They do this for several key reasons, but you should understand that there are traps you can get into when talking to this insurance company. Read More 

How To Tell Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Is Right For You

When filing for bankruptcy, you'll have a few options for a method that will work best for you. Each method has their own advantages and disadvantages, which is why it helps to know the differences between them. Here are some reasons why you will want to pick Chapter 13 bankruptcy to deal with your debts. You Have Joint Ownership of Property One thing you'll want to consider is how your bankruptcy will affect other people. Read More 

3 Shocking Facts About Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is one of the best ways to gain back control of your finances whether you have become ill, lost a job, or just become overwhelmed by debt. Unfortunately, most people do not fully understand the process or what the filing process actually entails. If you are considering bankruptcy, here are a few surprising facts you may want to know. You're Not the Only One Most people do not like discussing money or finances, so you may not sit around with your friends and family to talk about how well or not well you are doing financially. Read More 

Five Tips To Avoid Foreclosure

If you fall more than a month or two behind on your mortgage payments, you can expect the bank to begin the foreclosure process. Throughout this process, the bank will reclaim possession of your home and make a judgement against you for the amount that you still owe on the mortgage. This situation forces a lot of people out of their homes and causes them to file for bankruptcy. So, if you are falling behind on your mortgage payments, what can you do to prevent foreclosure? Read More 

Bankruptcy Recovery: 5 Ways To Get Back On Your Financial Feet And Stay There

Bankruptcy can be one of the toughest experiences you'll ever go through, but it's not the end of your world. In fact, with the right attitude, you'll get through this faster and easier than you might have thought possible. 1. Be Disciplined With Your Repayment Plan If you filed under Chapter 13, you were ordered by the courts to repay your debts in certain amounts and by certain dates and it greatly behooves you to be disciplined with that plan. Read More